Junior PCC
Our Junior PCC was formed in 2018 and plays an important role within our Church.
The group meets six times a year to review what has been happening and help decide future Church activities.

Candlemas Service – led by our Junior PCC
The special service led by our junior PCC on Candlemas Sunday was the culmination of several months work by the children and young people. We had written the drama together by reading the Bible passage and talking about how to dramatise it. In our following meeting the young people had written their own prayers and Jude had written his own talk. The children wanted to give out lights to the congregation and had considered the health and safety issues involved and decided battery powered candles would be best. It was a privilege to be able to work with them and enable them to lead the service in the way they wanted to. We are so blessed to have such dynamic and committed young Christians in our church family.
Sarah Hope and Frank Hyland
Children’s contributions in their own words
I really enjoyed our service because it was fun and we got to say long sentences in it.
I really enjoyed doing the service and being part of it. At first I was a little nervous but as it went on I started not to feel nervous at all I would never have been able to do it on my own but with everyone’s support I think we all did a great job. Jacob
Leading the church service was a great thing for us to do, it was interesting to experience how everyone feels when they do their part in church. I wasn’t sure how it would be with everyone looking at me but it turned out to be ok. I am thankful that Sarah had written a script for us so that I didn’t get nervous and forget my words.
I really enjoyed doing the talk. I liked how we got to do our own service for a change instead of the Vicar leading it, and how we all got to act out parts of the bible. I like how we got to give out the little lights to show that Jesus is the light of the world, and that lots of little tiny lights together make a big difference.
I felt humbled and grateful to be invited to be involved in the service. Allowing children to participate allows the church to flourish and shine for Jesus
I took part in the special Junior PCC service. Being involved as a young person, and having a role to play, strengthens my relationship with God.
I left my home in South Liverpool on a rather grey, dull and miserable Sunday morning to drive to St John Ainsdale to present the Child friendly church award for a further three years. The closer I got to Ainsdale the more the sky lightened and my spirits began to lift .As always I was really looking forward to my visit not least because I am always assured of a really warm welcome , but because I was coming to a service being led totally by the young people of the church !
My morning was only to get brighter ……
A group of excited but slightly nervous young people were already gathered as I arrived and there was a real buzz in the air. It was Candlemas Sunday and this wonderful group proceeded to lead us through the entire service, with lively songs , readings , a piece of drama and even a short talk ,where we as adults were encouraged by giving “Good Answers!” to the questions asked of us .There is definitely a vicar in the making with young Jude !!
All had a part to play and all did it with grace, enthusiasm and style! We were each given a battery powered candle and encouraged to “Shine as a light in the world”. The play mat has been moved to the front of the church which enabled the little ones and their families to see what was going on, join in and be part of the full worshipping body. Their dancing and smiling was an absolute joy to see! FANTASTIC.
When it came time to present the award I was genuinely moved by the whole service and suitably lost for words, not something I usually am! As the Children & Families Missioner for the Diocese, this is the stuff my dreams are made of! Young people leading worship, young children all at the front of church …just where Jesus would have wanted them and placed them!
So Thank you St Johns for all you do for your children and young people , you truly are a Child Friendly Church ,please keep up the good work It was the brightest Sunday I have had in a long time .Thank you
Sue Mitchell Children & Families Missioner Diocese of Liverpool.