
Are you looking to have your Child Baptised (sometimes referred to as Christened?) If so, we at St John’s will be happy to meet with you and Welcome your Child into the Church Family here.  

Christenings/Baptisms are held within our 10.30am Sunday Service (1st Sunday of the month), where Members of our congregation are present to welcome the newly baptised into the church family, to pray for you and also to share in the joy of this special event. We hope that as many of your relatives and friends can come along and take part in the service.

Please complete This form and you can either send it to me by email or you may wish to bring it  to one of our 10.30 Sunday services, where you can be assured of a warm welcome by us all. If, however, you have questions you would like ask, please give me a ring and I will be only too happy to have a chat with you. You will find my contact details below. We will also require at a later stage details of all Godparents (see the Godparents form).

Francesca Lily Edwards was baptised and welcomed as the newest member of the Jesus family here at St John’s .

It was a lovely service conducted by Revd. Bill Matthews and a delight to share these photos of this very special celebration “

You may also wish to log on to the Christenings page of the Church of England web site. This gives very helpful information about baptism and may answer some of your questions.

We bring our children to baptism because we, as parents, want them to be brought up to know and love the Lord Jesus in the family of the Church. Having decided to bring your child to baptism, you have the responsibility to do exactly that, with encouragement, teaching, example and prayer.

At the same time we, as the Church, promise to support you. Each Sunday at our 10.30 services adults and children of all ages can worship together and learn about God’s love. We have been awarded a Child Friendly Church Status by the Liverpool Diocese, and have made a dedicated children’s space in church. You will find Bible story books, story sacks and colouring activities for your children to enjoy. Although, at present, we do not have a separate children’s group, our Praise and Worship and Parade services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month provide a more informal style of worship, particularly designed for those families with young children.  

LITTLE JOHN’S Is our group for Pre-School Children and their Carers. They meet in the Church on Wednesdays at 10.30am

We, at St. John’s, along with you, want the very best for our children and we want them to grow up knowing the love of Jesus and following in His way as they become adults, but their greatest influence will be from you and we will do all we can to help you in this.  

All our Church Family at St. John’s pray for the richest blessings on you and your family. Finally, and most importantly, we are pleased you have chosen St. John’s Church for this special occasion and we, equally, look forward to sharing the day with you.     

Linda Davies. Baptism Coordinator and Missional Leader for Children and Youth 

Contact Tel – 07720784757. Email –