Little John’s Baby and Toddler Group
Every Wednesday during term time 10.30am to 12 noon. Free admission
All sessions are held inside the church building. Officially the doors open at 10.30am but if the front door is open before you are welcome to come in. Most people stay for the whole session but you are welcome to drop in at any time during the session.
All parents/grandparents/carers are welcome and we respectfully remind you that you are responsible for the child in your care. However, Clare and Chris are always happy to offer a helping hand when needed.

We offer tea/coffee for adults and squash/water for children. There are biscuits too. Refreshments are free.
Toilet and changing facilities are available and we ask that used nappies are put in nappy bags and placed in the bin provided please.

We have toys to suit babies and toddlers and offer a safe place for them to play and an opportunity for the adults to chat.
Check the Little John’s Facebook Page for regular updates.
Clare and Chris look forward to meeting you.
Come and join the fun!