
We would love to welcome you to one of our services – there is sure to be a style to suit you!


8.30am Communion (BCP)

10.30am Main Service followed by refreshments

To accommodate different styles, our 10.30 Sunday Service adopts different formats each week:

  • 1st Sun – Praise & Worship (informal family service with music led by worship band)
  • 2nd Sun – Holy Communion (traditional communion with hymns led by organ and choir)
  • 3rd Sun – Parade Service (informal family service with music led by worship band and involvement from Guides, Rainbows and Brownies) held six times a year; other months the service is P&W.
  • 4th Sun – Holy Communion (traditional communion with hymns led by organ and choir)
  • 5th Sun – Varies depending on season and special events; see monthly dates

If you are struggling to follow the service on the screen then please speak to someone wearing a Sunflower Lanyard who will arrange to get you a printed copy of future services.

For information about other Events in Church please see Diary Tab under Our What’s On page.


10.30 Communion (BCP) followed by refreshments

Refreshments: these are served after the Thursday and Sunday 10.30 Services, and after the 8:30 Sunday Service (the 4th sunday only) This is a great time to get to know people – all are welcome so please stay if you can.

Communion visiting: if you know of anyone who cannot get to Church and would like to receive Communion at Home then our visiting team can come out. Please contact one of the wardens.


BCP = Book of Common Prayer – written in an older style of language
BCW = Book of Common Worship – written in modern language.